February 28, 2010

2 Bowel Movement Day

After smoking last night, I've only had two bowel movements;one large this morning and a small one this evening. I've been able to stand and pass gas easily all day. Wow!

Large bowel movement after breakfast.

I woke up early this morning and played with the kids while Sophie slept in for a bit. I made breakfast, woke her up; then after eating, had a fairly urgent, large partially formed bowel movement.

February 27, 2010

Evening post:ok

One small fairly firm bowel movement happened this afternoon. Besides then, I've been passing gas fairly copiously and occasionally sitting on the toilet to let out a bit of mucus.

Morning after coffee day.. Ok!

Yesterday was fine. Maybe four bowel movements in total and a fair amount of gas. This morning, I was woken at 5 to change a wet diaper and had a bowel movement. I went back to sleep and got to sleep in until 8. I got up and soon had another bowel movement. Nothing since then.

February 26, 2010

Fine yesterday, firm today

Yesterday was unremarkable, neither great nor terrible; I think I had around three bowel movements with a fair amount of gas, especially as evebning wore on. Last night, I smoked 1 tsp and didn't get to sleep until 1am. I also woke up a few times because I didn't want to wake up the family by stinking up the room. Caleb woke up around 5:30 with a wet diaper, then we were all up by 6:15 excited by the snow. So, I had a coffee with breakfast and soon after had a bowel movement. It was fairly formed.

February 25, 2010

Two bowel movement morning

My first bowel movement was before breakfast and the second well after. It looks like New York State may legalize pot soon.

Two bowel movement morning

My first bowel movement was before breakfast and the second well after. It looks like New York State may legalize pot soon.

February 24, 2010

Fairly formed and gassy

I've had two more bowel movements. Both were fairly small and formed and accompanied by copious gas.

Solid Morning

Smoked 1 tsp. last night and went to sleep at 12:30ish. This morning I've had two fairly solid bowel movements and some gas. Nice!

February 23, 2010

Very loose morning

I'm on my fourth loose bowel movement today. My conclusion is that too little sleep messes me up.

Gettin' Late. More Gas.

I've been up until past 2 for the last few nights. I just finished working and am going to go to bed after taking a shower. Bowel-wise, I had one loose movement before driving home from class, but nothing except gas since...

February 22, 2010

Gassy Day

Two bowel movements today. One upon waking and one before taking Tamar to school. Since then, I've been passing copious amounts of gas and occasionally sitting on the toilet to fart out a bit of mucus.

One last loose before smoking

Nothing since...

February 21, 2010

Fairly solid and gaseous

Throught the day, I only had four bowel movements total (including the two in the morning). Now, I'm sitting on the toilet farting after putting the kids to bed. Earlier, I was passing copious gas while standing and sitting; something that I never could have done a few weeks ago...

February 20, 2010

Bedtime update

No bowel movements after this morning ( 4 total today) . However, I'm having a bit of gas. The wonderful thing is that I'm able to fart like a normal person. The Marijuana has certainly substantially reduced the amount of mucus in my gut.

Another morning

After sleeping six hours I was woken up by the family. Had a medium sized bowel movement which was fairly firm. After breakfast, I had another which was a bit looser. Now, I'm about to take the kids on a walk and nothing is doing.

Midnight snack

Today was so busy I didn't have a chance to record how well things were going. Feeling good.

February 18, 2010

Second movement

I smoked 1 tsp last night and took glutathione, fish oil and probiotics. This morning I had one bowel movement before breakfast and one after; both starting slightly firm and ending middlingly loose. A bit tired and have a lot to do today...

February 17, 2010


Slept in until 8am. Upon rising, I had one large bowel movement which began as farily firm and became looser as it continued. My left index finger is starting to feel pre-peelish.

February 16, 2010

Two more seatings

Before I could leave the house, I had to sit down on the toilet two more times. But evereything was better than loose.

Solid afternoon

After having some gassy moments throught the day that necessitated sitting on a toilet, I just had my second bowel movement of the day and it was fairly well formed. Yay!

First movement

I just had my first bowel movement since smoking around 13 hours ago. It was a bit gassy, loose and urgent, but I think there hasn't been any blood for a while.

Just gas

Since smoking last night, I haven't had a bowel movement. I just had to sit on the toilet at pass gas with a bit of mucus. Feeling a bit foggy... from lack of sleep?

Added doctor's recomendations

After having a crappy day,  I feel better having smoked 1 tsp. I've decided that I'm familiar enough with the cycle of getting worse 36-48 hours after smoking that has been consistent enough through the last three weeks; I'm going to take daily: Probiotics (Jarrodophilus (40 billion cfu/10 strains) , Fish oil, Glutathione   (jarrow 500 mg) 2x per day waiting on L-glutamine.

February 15, 2010

Afternoon slide

Feeling worse as the day goes on. Having more urgency and looseness. I've had two more bowel movements since lunch and the last was watery...

Second movement

Today's first bowel movement was before breakfast. It was fairly formed, but still loose. This second one was a bit urgent with gas and is also loose.

February 14, 2010

End of day fireworks

I was about to take the laundry out when I had some gas. I sat down on the toiler and had a very large bowel movement. It started out solid then got looser. After flushing, I had to sit down again and finish. Maybe it was the coffee? Cookies?

Second try

After getting up, I felt some gassiness, returned to the toilet, and had a bowel movement. It was loose.

Mid-afternoon check-in

Still only one bowel movement today. About to go for a walk with the family, so I'm sitting on the toilet to see if anything is doing... but noting is going on. Cool.

Morning Coffee = 1st bowel movement

Smoked 1 tsp last night. This morning I was woken up by Tamar who wanted to go get flowers for valentine's day. We got dressed and went out to the florist, came back, made breakfast and ate. I decided to have an expresso and it wasnt until now that I've felt like going to the bathroom. My bowel movement was no particularly formed, the remarkable thing is the amount of time I had before going.

February 13, 2010

After breakfast

I had three bowel movements of increasing looseness before I felt comfortable walking to the supermarket.  Last night i had loose gassy bowel movements with some urgency.

February 12, 2010

Bedtime roundup

Towards the end of the day, and especially after dinner, I experienced more and more gas and urgency, culminating in a fairly loose bowel movement. Now, I'm trying to go to sleep but im quite gaseous.

Delicious lunch walk

Just walked to Steinway went to the bank and got lunch from Egyptian places near 25th Ave. Delicious meatball pie and kenafa and baklava. Walked home. No urgency anywhere. Ate lunch standing up and passed some gas. Had some tea. Now sitting with a burbbly stomach. Feeling gassy but able to keep tooting, so I'm happy.

Shave and a Haircut

Smoked 1 tsp. last night. Only one bowel movement today; before breakfast. Walked quite a long distance to get my haircut and had no urgency. Feeling a bit happy and foggy, possibly because of a lack of sleep last night.

February 11, 2010

Lunchtime update

Just had leftovers of lamb, artichokes and brown rice. I put a pot of water on to boil for tea and realized that even though I am a bit tired (maybe from working so intensely since breakfast (avocado on toast) I haven't had a bowel movement since before breakfast. Wow!

A new morning

Slept through the night without inturrpution. Had one soft bowel movement witjhout too much gas. Shoveled the driveway, drove, going to eat breakfast. Feeling much more optimistic than yesterday.

February 10, 2010

More of the same

Multiple loose, gassy, urgent bowel movements this evening. Bummer.

Lunch update

Had four bowel movements after breakfast. Quite loose and gassy. I dont think I slept enough last night.

Tipping the scales

I was ready to give up on this because I had such a symptomatic morning and day yesterday, but i just weighed 167lbs. I've been much closer to 147 than 167 recently. I actually can't remember weighing over 165. Crazy!

February 9, 2010

Updated website

I smoked two bowls and feel ok bowel-wise. Earlier today and yesterday? When was it that i slept for only 2 and a half hours? Crazy. But bowels are feeling fine. I'd like something healthy to eat. I'd like to make an aeoli sauce and soak the salty shrimp then make a shrimp salad sandwich. Yum.

February 8, 2010

End of a crappy day.

What a day. I've been feeling urgency all day. I musy have had 7 or 8 bowel movements. All loose. All urgent. I dont know if this is working. Or maybe it is because I'm so tired...

Not so great morning

Last night I smoked 1 teaspoon using rolling paper as a delivery mechanism.  Besides a fair sized dinner of chicken and yams, I ate nachos and yogurt  before bed. I didn't get to sleep until 4am and Caleb woke up at 5. Somehow, I was allowed to fall back asleep by 5:30 and slept until 7:30. So, I'm a bit tired this morning. I have two classes today with one hour to do a one and a half hour drive which I'm not looking forward to. Symptomatically, I'm not doing so well. I've had three bowel movements, all with copious gas and a fair amount of urgency.

I'm drinking tea by the potfull to make it through today...

February 7, 2010

Chicken shopping

After bringing the car home, I walked down to the supermarket to get a chicken. I felt some urgency, so i ducked in to Athens Cafe. On the way there I wasn't sure what was going on in the gut, but walking down the stairs I passed some pleasant gas. And now I'm having what I would consider a solid bowel movement!

Oil change

Went to the birthday party and made it home without any urgency. Had a few bites of pizza, but still quite hungry. The car's oil light was blinking for a while, so now I'm getting ther oil changed. Going to try to go to the bathroom before going home. Update: nothing doing...

Morning Edition

Woke up at 6:30 to play paper dolls with Tamar. Fell asleep on her floor while she played. Woke up at 8am, had two loose bowel movements, then went to the bagel store. No urgency, no stress going there or coming back. Had two cups of tea and am going to work for a bit before heading out with the kids to a birthday party at noon.

February 6, 2010

Evening News

Ate lots of Nieman Ranch ribs and potatos and broccoli for dinner. Afterwards, i had some gas and passed a small solid stool. At 10:30, I took a shower and got into bed and had a lot of gas. I got up and had a large loose bowel movement. Now I feel pretty good.

Tea time tune-in

Had Five Guys burgers and Fries for lunch. Nothing doing bowel-movement wise since this morning. No urgency or gas. Wild! Just vacumed with  sleeping Caleb strapped to my chest. Had some left over tea from breakfast and took a little snooze too. Feeling as perky as could be with 4 hours sleep last night.

Waiting in car

Someting that would certainly have gotten me nervous before: Being stuck in the car for an indeterminate length of time. But now I'm sitting with one sleeping kid and one happily, quietly watching Dora. I havent had any urgency or need to go to the bathroom since the one poop I made this morning.

Quick morning update

Smoked one joint at 10pm last night. It kept me awake until 3:30am. This morning I had one comfortable, but not particularly solid, bowel movement after breakfast. Slept through the 4.5 hours I was in bed without gastric disturbance. Planning on driving around with the family this morning. Feeling tired and optimistic.

Two teaspoons?

Less than 1 gram, actually. Don't people take 1000mg of vitamin C when they are Trying to fight a cold? Yeah, these side effects are different than Vitamin-C, but ulcerative colitis is certainly different than a cold. Does this work? What are CB-1 and 2 short for? (Note to self)

February 5, 2010

After the afternoon

Scooted into the city and met up with a class to walk around Chelsea and see some art. On the way to meet on 23rd and 8th I was feeling worried that I would have some urgency. Nobody was there so I went into Dallas BBQ and had a small, solid bowel movement. Came upstairs and a couple of students were waiting for me. Walked around for 2 hours, no problems at all.  Coming home, I felt a little hunger headache, but I had a apple with peanut butter and now I'm feeling good. A bit worried about the snow tonight preventing me from getting to the studio...

A morning of to do.

Fell asleep last night reading to my daughter.
5am: awoke from a bop in the nose from my son. Thought about staying up and getting some stuff done before the day started. Sat on the toiled and had a large, fairly unformed, bowel movement. 5:10am decided that I should get more sleep.
7:30am: woke up with family, sat on toilet and had a repeat of 5am experience. Walked to supermarket to pick up milk and eggs. No urgency. Nice. Got so much to do today including going to the studio to take my medicine once again.

February 4, 2010

Tiny visit.

Finished with laundry. Before going to the laundromat I sat for a bit on the toilet and had a very small, inconsequential bowel movement. Fairly gassy and basically mucus. Walking around feels great. No pressure on the gut, no urgency. Hope this lasts through tomorrow!

Tired and waiting

I'm ready for a nap. Too much sitting and working at the computer all day. But: Still no bowel movement. This is now going on hour 16. Maybe twice or three times longer than I've gone without one in 8 years.

Still a bit nervous about going outside. However, I'm going to suck it up and go to the laundrymat.

Doubling down

So, not to dwell on food, but I just had beans again for lunch. Still no bowel movement, so I'm as happy as an oyster.

Walking with gas

So, I walked to the mailbox and continued the couple of blocks to the bakery; but had some mucusy gas and stopped in at the Irish Rover to use the toilet. While farting there I got a call from a roofer who I was supposed to meet. I finished up, walked quickly back home, met with the roofer, then went to the bank. After depositing checks I got coffee and an apple turnover at the bakery and decided to get chicken and rice at a street vendor. I got the spicy rice and a bit of hot sauce on the chicken. I'm hoping that my newly functional gut handles it... Still haven't had a bowel movement today!

The joy of gas

Last night, after going to my studio after an opening, I smoked 2 bowls. At 3:30 am, after finishing some work I had to get done, I ate some delicious rice and beans my wife had cooked earlier in the week. In the past, I would never have eaten beans, as they would have caused serous distress. This morning I'm sitting and working and making normal toots. Magical fruit indeed!

Yesterday morning wasn't as good as I hadn't smoked the day before and had a late night snack that ended with eating chocolate ice cream straight out of the pint. But, all traces of that seem to have passed.

This morning, I haven't had to have a bowel movement yet. I've already dropped my daughter off at school and made it home without any worries, but I'm still nervous about taking a walk. Ahh, heck, I'm going to take the plunge and go get some egg sandwiches and coffee!

February 3, 2010


This blog is going to be used to document my experience using marijuana to treat my Ulcerative Colitis. As of today, I've been smoking a joint of marijuana every other day for a week and have seen a vast improvement of my sypmtoms. Before trying marijuana as a treatment, I was having extremely loose stools 6 - 10 or more times a day with cramping, bleeding and mucus. Currently, I have been going 4-6 times a day with much firmer stool.

In 2002, I was diagnosed with left-sided "moderate" Ulcerative Colitis (on my last colonoscopy things looked normal past 60cm) and tried 5ASAs which made my symptoms worse and seemingly caused symptoms on my right side. I've tried the Specific Carbohydrate diet two times; once for a year and a half, and more recently I stuck to the intro diet for two months. Neither really helped much, although on the intro diet I certainly went to the bathroom less, I also lost 15 pounds.

I'm certainly (cautiously) optimistic about this new course of treatment!