May 31, 2010

Evening: only bowel movement of the day: formed to soft

Today, i didn't have any urge to go to the bathroom until this evening. The stool that I passeds was quite large and began as formed and ended soft. I've had copious gas. For most of the day. But, this may be the first time in 10 years that I've only gone to the bathroom once in a day!

May 30, 2010


This evening i smoked.

Morning: Large formed to soft.

This morning before breakfast, I had  a large bowel movement that began as firm and ended soft.

May 29, 2010

Evening: Large urgent formed to soft

This evening, I didn't go to the bathroom before heading out to the supermarket, but I should have. Instead, I had to pull over and go on the side of the road. I passed a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended as soft.

First movement: Mid-afternoon; formed

Today, the first time I had a bowel movement was around 2:30. I didn't have any urgency and decided that I should try to go brefore going to a playground that doesn't have a restroom. The stool was formed, like a cigar.

May 28, 2010

Evening: Large formed to soft. Smoked

This evening, I passed a bowel movement that began firm and ended soft. Then I smoked two bowls.

Morning: 3 sittings

This morning, I got up early with the kids and played for a while before I had the urge to go to the bathroom. The first bowel movement I had was very well formed; what I would call "normal". After breakfast, I had another bowel movement, which began formed and ended soft. Soon after that, I had a third bowel movement that was soft. Nothing since.

May 27, 2010

Afternoon: formed to soft

This afternoon, on my way to school, I stopped at a park and passed a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft.

After Lunch: formed

After lunch today, I had a bowel movement that was moderate sized and formed.

Mid-Morning: Large formed to soft

This morning, I didn't have any sense of having to go to the bathroom until mid-morning, at which point I passed a quite large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft.

May 26, 2010

Afternoon: small formed. Evening: moderate soft. Smoked.

This afternoon, I passed a stool that was a small cigar shape. This evening, well after dinner (out with kids' classmates and families) I passed a moderately sized soft bowel movement.

Morning: formed to soft, soft, discomfort.

This morning, I had a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft. After breakfast, I had another bowel movement that was soft. Attending a class trip, I experienced discomfort, sat on the toilet at my daughter's school and passed a couple of rabbit-sized pebbles.

May 25, 2010

Afternoon: Two formed to soft

In the afternoon, before leaving for class, I had a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft. In between classes, I had another bowel movement that was also large and began as formed and ended soft.

Morning: large formed to soft

This morning it wasn't until mid-morning that I had my first bowel movement. It was large and began as formed and ended soft.

May 24, 2010

Afternoon: 2 formed to loose. Evening 1 soft to loose. Smoked.

This afternoon, after driving around all morning, I passed two moderately large stools, both of which began a formed and ended loose. In the evening, I passed one moderately large stool that began as soft and ended loose. Smoked new breed.

Morning: 3 sittings formed to loose

This morning, after getting very little sleep last night because of wakeful children, I sat on the toilet three times and had bowel movements. The first was after breakfast. It was large; it began as formed and ended loose. The second was soon after and it began as soft and ended loose; it was moderate sized. The third was smaller and soft to loose also.

May 23, 2010

Afternoon: formed to loose

This afternoon, after returning from a childrens' birthday party (where I was able to barely yhink about going to the bathroom even though on the way there I was worried about urgency), I passed a large stool that began as formed and ended loose.

Mid-morning: firm to soft

Before lunch, I had a large bowel movement that began as what I would call "normal" then became soft. It was mostly normal, maybe 10% soft at the end. Yay!

Morning: large formed to soft.

This morning, after breakfast, I passed a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft.

May 22, 2010

Morning: large formed to soft, evening large formed to soft. Smoked.

Got up late this morning, passed a large formed to soft stool. Drove around all day no problem. Gassy after dinner, fairly urgent large formed to soft. Smoked.

May 21, 2010

Early Morning: 1 large formed to soft, 1 urgent & soft, evening ?

Got up early and had one large formed to soft bowel movement before driving, urgency en route and pulled over and passed a moderately large soft bowel movement. Nothing the rest of the day or night?

May 20, 2010

Evening: large formed to soft

After class this evening, I passed a large bowel movement that was a bit urgent because of copious gas. It was quite large amd began as well formed and ended soft.

Morning: Large formed to soft. Afternoon: Large firm

Today, after breakfast, I had a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft. This afternoon, I had a large well formed bowel movement that is what I would consider "normal" both in urgency, consistency/form and size. :)

May 19, 2010

Morning: two formed to soft, comfortable all day. Smoked.

Today was quite comfortable. I had two bowel  movements in the morning that were fairly soft / loose, but the rest of the day I was great. This evening I smoked. It is a bit exhausting. I'm looking forward to calling an end to this experiment if the heminths work.

May 18, 2010

Naseuos, two bowel movements, very large, formed to loose

This morning, I was quite nauseous after using a neti pot for congestion. I took nux vomica 30c and it crested and passed. No bowel movements for the remainder of the day.

May 17, 2010


felt nauseous.  took pictures and stuff no bowel movements or discomfort.

Evening: large formed to soft

After dinner this evening,  I passed a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft.

Morning: soft. Afternoon: urgent, soft

This morning, I sat three times before I was ready to head off to school. The stool was formed at the beginning and soft at the end. This afternoon, I had urgency while at the laundrymat, walked home and passed a large soft stool. I've had copious gas since then. Possibly from all the beans I ate last night.

May 16, 2010

Evening: one formed

This evening, well after eating a dinner which  included a generous portion of black bean salad, I had gas and then passed a large stool that was formed, but not as firm as the two earlier in the day.

Smoked. Two firm.

Last night I smoked. This morning, I got up early with the kids. Before taking them out for a walk to pick up treats for breakfast, I had a firm bowel movement. In the afternoon I had another firm bowel movement. :)

May 15, 2010

Evening: formed

This afternoon, I felt a sense of urgency at the playground with the kids, but the bathroom was locked and I was okay. On my way to drop off a rented DVD, I had a sense of urgency and stopped at a cafe and passed a formed stool.

Morning: 2 formed, afternoon one soft

Today, I had a large, formed bowel movement upon getting up. After breakfast, I had another similar movement. After taking the subway, I stopped at the Home Depot and passed a soft bowel movement.

May 14, 2010

Loose Afternoon

This afternoon, after eating a vey large lunch, I has a large loose bowel movement.

Morning: one small formed, one small soft

This morning, after getting out of bed, I had a small formed bowel movement. After getting back from school, I had another small, softer bowel movement.

Loose move,emts in afternoon, evening. Smoked.

Tiny bit appeared  like channukah.

May 13, 2010

Morning: soft to loose

This morning, upon getting out of bed, I sat twice on the toilet. I passed a large bowel movement that began as soft and ended loose. Then I sat a second time and passed another loose bowel movement.

May 12, 2010

Formed morning, afternoon.

This morning, I slept in a bit and had a formed bowel movement. After class this afternoon, I had a second bowel movement which was a bit softer, but still formed.

May 11, 2010

Last dose. Need to get more?

This really is the last dose. I will have to aquire more soon to continue with this experimental thearpy documentation.

Afternoon: 1 formed / soft evening 1 semi-formed/soft. Smoked.

Today, before going to class, I had a fairly large bowel movement that beagan as formed and ended fairly soft. This evening, I had a bowel movement that was fairly formed then became soft. I smoked this evening.

Minor finger peel

My left index finger is peeling again, but there is no discomfort.

Yesterday: 2 formed in evening, this morning 2 formed

Yesterday, I had a bowel movement after eating dinner, before class, that was very large; it started as very well formed and ended soft. After class, I had another bowel movement that was somewhat formed. Both were accompanied by a fair amount of gas. This morning, I had a large, well formed bowel movement before breakfast. After breakfast, I had another bowel movement that was smaller, but well formed.

May 10, 2010

Yesterday: 3 formed, smoked. Today morning: 2 formed

Yesterday, I had three bowel movements, all fairly large and formed, one before breakfast, one after breakfast and one after dinner. I smoked in the evening. This morning, I had a large formed movement after breakfast and a smaller one mid-morning.

May 8, 2010

Formed day: 3 movements

Today, I got up very early and played for a couple of hours, then felt some urgency, and passed  moderately sized solid stools. After that, I walked around the neighborhood and took pictures and bought food for breakfast. After breakfast, I had another bowel movement which was larger and a bit less firm, but still well formed. Nothing else until after dinner (at a kid's birthday party) when I passed another larger and less firm, yet formed, bowel movement.

Weight steady 165

May 7, 2010

Last two days: 3-4 formed bowel movements. Smoked.

Yesterday, I had two bowel movements in the morning, one in the afternoon and one after class. They were increasingly formed. Today, I've had three bowel movements, all formed and getting larger. Judging from the amount of gas I've had tonight,  I feel like I may have one more bowel movement today. I'm also smoking tonight.

May 5, 2010

Morning Movements: 3 soft then formed

This morning, upon rising, I had a moderate-sized soft bowel movement; later, before a short walk, I passed a more formed moderate-sized stool. Then, after breakfast, I passed a larger even more formed stool that softened slightly as it progressed.

Loose after class. Smoked.

After class today, I stopped in the bathroom before scooting home and passed a loose stool. This evening, I smoked 1/2 of the remaining stash from last year's harvest that I found on Monday.

May 4, 2010

Loose Morning

Today, I've sat on the toilet three times and passed loose stools each time. Bummer.

May 3, 2010

Supermarket, class: loose. Got Jarrowdopholous

This afternoon and evening weren't particularly good. I had two more loose  bowel movements.

Afternoon: two formed to soft

This afternoon I went to the bathroom twice, both.  with a moderate amount of urgence preceeded by copious gas. The first movement was moderate-sized and soft. The second was larger, began as formed and ended as soft.

Morning Movements: 2 formed

This morning, although I was most of the night with a  sick kid, I had bowel movements that were better than the previous few days. Upon getting out of bed, I had a moderate-sized formed bowel movement. After returning from drop-off at school, I had another moderate-sized formed bowel movement.

May 2, 2010

Very gassy. Smoked.

Yo' mama love them resin balls! This was the last of my marijuana. I've had such good results that I'm interested in seeing how long the effects will last (like how long after I stop sm.oking every other day (although I was supposed to smoke last night, I didn't) would it be before bleeding began again? Would it?

Gassy day

Today, my bowel movements were formed and few, but I sat on the toilet a couple of time because of gas.

2 morning: soft, 1 afternoon: formed again

This morning, I had two bowel movements; one moderately sized upon waking (5am with a kid) and a small one at 7:30before going for a walk with both kids. I took a nap from 10-11:30 then, upon waking had a moderate-sized formed bowel movement.

May 1, 2010

Diarreah. Bummer.

Tonight I had diarreah. I'm hoping it is from the popcorn I ate yesterday or the new proboitics. I'm going to stop taking these and get JarrowDopholus on Monday.

2 morning formed to soft 2 afternoon formed

Today, I had two bowel movements before breakfast and two in the afternoon.