April 30, 2010

Afternoon: 1 soft

This afternoon, around 3pm, I had a moderately sized soft bowel movement.

Morning Movements: 2 soft

This morning, I had a large soft bowel movement upon getting out of bed and a second large, soft bowel movement after breakfast.


Perhaps the mild downturn I experienced is from stress or the new probiotics I got last week? I ran out of the Jarrowdopholus eps 20bil. and bought renew life ultimate flora (high lacto) and have been taking one a morning.

Gas? Beans?

I'm a bit nervous tonight because I've been having copious gas, but that's what happens after eating beans which I had for dinner tonight... to normal digestive systems... wild.

April 29, 2010

Morning Movements: 3 sittings firm to loose, 1 small afternoon, smoked

Today was a particularly stressful day, I had an enormous amount of work to do "asap". This morning, I got up, had a large bowel movement that began as firm and ended as very soft, and I sat twice after breakfast before riding to school. This afternoon, before driving to Brooklyn, I had a small, soft bowel movement. This evening I smoked.

April 28, 2010

Morning Movement: Moderate Solid to Loose

This morning, I got up early, played with the kids for a while, then sat on the toilet and passed a moderately sized bowel movement that began as formed and ended loose. Mentally, I'm feeling quite foggy and don't think I can keep up this amount of smoking for much longer...But, it has made such a difference on my gut...

April 27, 2010

Nothing since this morning. Smoked.

Today, I did things that used to make me very uncomfortable; sit in long meetings, sit stuck in the middle at a restaruant, sit window seat on a plane, that normal people take  for granted.

Morning movement: firm to loose

This morning, after getting up, I had a two-sitting bowel movement that began as firm and ended loose.

April 26, 2010

Morning travels: 3 formed before flight.

This morning, I had to get up early (again) to catch a flight. I had one small formed bowel movement before leaving to go the airport and two small formed movements at a coffee shop by the bus stop.

April 25, 2010

Smoked. Running out. Getting tired of getting stoned this ofte n

Because AIT is back up and shipping whipworm again, I'm going to contact them again.

Morning: three sittings

This morning, I felt uncomfortable until I had sat on the toilet three times. The first time, I had a formed to soft movement, the two subsequent sittings were soft.

Yesterday: soft in afternoon

After getting home, I had another bowel movement. It was soft.

April 24, 2010

Formed movement in afternoon.

Around 3pm today, after class, I went to use the bathroom before traveling home and passed a moderately sized, formed stool.

Morning: small soft before breakfast

This morning, before breakfast, I passed some fairly small, soft stools. After breakfast, I had a larger, more formed bowel movement that took two sittings for my gut to feel completely voided.

164 lbs.

I think my weight is down because things are so busy I wasn't eating as often as I'd like to be. However, I did just enjoy a bananas and yogurt from our big tub of nancy*s.

April 23, 2010

bowel movement after class: soft. smoking.

This afternoon, I only smoked 1/2 dose (1 waterpipe) so I could be functional. I had a soft bowel movement after class this evening and am going to take the rest of my normal semi-daily dose.

Smoked one water pipe

I've got another six hours to work today. Nice! Smoked one waterpipe. Nothing since.

Another soft to loose movement

This is the fifth bowel movement this morning. I'm throwing caution into the wind and smoking now. I certainly wish that access to strains of cannabis were available on the East Coast. Anecdotally, I understand that different strains of cannabis have been bred to have more potency for body effect and less for mental effects. That would be great!  

Another movement

During work, I felt urgency. I went to the bathroom and passed a loose stool. Ugh. I guess it really matters that I smoke every other day still.

Third morning movement: soft

After driving, I had to sit on the toilet again the morning and passed more gas and a small soft stool.

Second morning movement: gassy, soft to loose

This morning, at what would normally be breakfast time, I had to sit on the toilet a second time. I passed gas and some soft to loose stools.

Morning: Large formed to soft.

This morning, upon getting out of bed, I had a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft.

Yesterday: two formed in afternoon. Didn't smoke

Yesterday, I had two formed bowel movements in the afternoon. I had to work late and was unable to smoke.

April 22, 2010

Morning: Large formed to soft.

This morning, upon getting out of bed, I had a very large bowel movement that began as formed and ended as soft.

Yesterday: 3 formed: morning, noon, afternoon

Yesterday, I didnt get enough sleep, but had a very busy day. I had a formed bowel movement at breakfast, another around noon and a third around 4pm.

April 21, 2010

Smoked second water pipe

I got worried that one half the normal dose wouldn't work, I took the full dose; two water pipes.

April 20, 2010

Afternoon formed park visit, toilet check and smoked.

This afternoon, on the way to school, I stopped at a nice park on Washington and Greene? and used the toilet. I hopped around farting while a crazy / drunk guy took his time shooting up or whatever. I sat and passed a moderately large formed stool with perfectly clear water. No mucus! After class, I sat on the toilet a passed gas. I smoked half a much this evening. Running out of pot. Have enough for another 4-5 water pipes. I'm upset there is no legal way to buy or grow more! I'm going to try using one water pipe every other day as a new dose. If symptoms worsen,  I will return to previous dose.  Also, now that I'm in remission I'd like to look into HPI anew.

Morning movement: large formed

This morning, I slept in until 8. Upon getting out of bed, I had a bowel movement. It was large and formed.

Two formed in evening

This evening, during class, I went to the bathroom twice. Both times I passed moderate amounts of formed stool.

April 19, 2010

2nd movement: 2pm formed

This afternoon, I had a second bowel movement. It was composed of many small formed pieces. There was some gas and mucus.

First bowel movement: 11am

Got up with kids and played this morning. Had breakfast, drove to school and back, did work, then at 11am, had a sense of urgency while passing gas. I went to the bathroom and passed more gas, some small formed stools and some mucus.

April 18, 2010

Two morning, dinner. Smoked.

Got up early with the kids, played, then went to the bathroom. Passed one  small, firm stool.  After breakfast passed one large firm to soft stool. Walked around the neighborhood with friends with abandon. No anxiety of a possibility of having to have to find a toilet. What a relief. Sheesh. At late dinner, passed moderately sized formed stool. Smoked two water pipes. Nothing since.

One sitting day

Today, I only sat on the toilet once!

April 17, 2010

One formed movement in morning

Today, I slept in and had a firm formed bowel movement upon getting out of bed. I drove around with the family and went shopping with no urgency and no worry about going to the  bathroom. Amazing.

April 16, 2010

Gut soft

My large intestine, when deeply prodded is still slightly firm, but it has significantly softened from when I was symptomatic. Crazy. This is my fist remission in nine years.

Nothing since morning. Smoked.

Nothing doing, bowel-wise since this morning. Walked around with abandon.  Smoked two waterpipes this evening.  In my opinion, my livestyle has now completely changed from before I started using marijuana medically. Now, I just hope it stays this good! (or could I even feel better? completely healthy bowels? could it be this simple?) Seriously, every day is now a joy; walking and bicycling around with my children; no fear of having an accident! It is like a fairy-tale, too good to be true; too good to continue? I certainly have no indication that this isn't just going to keep making me feel healthier. Crazy.

Morning Movements: 1 formed 1 loose

This morning, I woke up early with the kids. Before breakfast, I had a bowel movement. It was large and formed. After breakfast, I had another bowel movement. That one was loose.

April 15, 2010

Formed at lunch

At lunchtime, I had a formed bowel movement.

Morning Movement: One Formed

This morning, I got up early with the kids and played for a couple of hours. As breakfast was being served, I felt the need to go to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and quickly passed a formed stool. Then, I rode to school and back and took the subway to the city without any urgency. What a nice day.

April 14, 2010

Nothing since this morning. Smoked.

I sat on the toilet once today to pass gas. It is funny how novel it is for me to walk into a men's room and pee at a urinal. Smoked two water pipes.

After lunch: formed soft

After lunch today, I had another bowel movement. It was soft.

Morning: 2, soft, formed to soft

This morning, I woke up early with the kids and played for an hour before having to go to the bathroom. I passed a large soft, but somewhat formed stool. After breakfast, I passed another large stool that was soft but also somewhat formed.

April 13, 2010

Morning movements: two soft. 4 hrs sleep.

This morning, I've had two large, soft bowel movements. The first one, upon rising was very large; and the second one, after breakfast, was considerably smaller, but still sizeable. Last night, I was up late working and only got four hours sleep.

April 12, 2010

Another soft movement. Smoked.

This morning, I had another soft bowel movement. I smoked two water pipes. Nothing since.

Morning movement: after breakfast soft

This morning, I was up early wotht the kids but didn't have a bowel movement until after breakfast. It was soft.

Yesterday afternoon/evening: 1 formed to loose, no smoking b/c headache

Yesterday afternoon, I had one bowel movement that began as formed and ended loose. Nothing else the rest of the day. I had an increasingly painful headache throughout the evening and didn't smoke because the in-laws are staying over.

April 11, 2010

More morning movements: soft

This morning, I had two more bowel movements, both were soft.

Morning: large formed to soft.

Yesterday afternoon, I had a bit of urgency while driving with the extended family in chinatown, found a stinky bathroom and passed two small stools and a bunch of gas. Not sure if the urgency was caused by not wanting to fart in the crowded car.

This morning, I had a large bowel movement that began as formed and ended up soft.

April 10, 2010

Second morning movement: Large Formed

After breakfast, I had a second bowel movement. It was larger and formed from beginning to end.

Large formed during breakfast

Today, my first bowel movement was a bit urgent, had gas, then went to sit on the toilet. Passed a large formed stool.

166, nothing else today

This evening I weighed 166 lbs. I had no further bowel movements since the last post and very little gas. I smoked two water pipes and ate a dozen deviled eggs and now I feel quite full. My stomach is uncofortable, but in a very different muscle layer and location.

April 9, 2010

Solid day, tea, four bowel movements

This morning, upon getting out of bed, I had a moderately large solid bowel movement. Later, after breakfast, I had a smaller, solid bowel movement. At noon, I had tea, then felt urgent and passed a small solid stool. Since then, I've felt a bit urgent and passed one small stool that was formed, firm, but not as solid as the previous three.

April 8, 2010

Afternoon: two small solid

During class today, I had gas, went to the bathroom to pass the gas and had a small solid bowel movement. After class, I had more gas, went to the bathroom and passed another small solid stool.

Afternoon: solid

This afternoon, I traveled to Brooklyn for the first time without a protective undergarmet. En route, I wasn't sure if I had to go to the bathroom and stopped at the Botanical Gardens to try. Nothing doing. Drove to school. Then, a while after getting to school, I passed some gas and went to the toilet again and passed a solid stool. Yay!

Morning movement: Large firm to loose

This morning, upon getting out of bed, I passed a very large stool that began as firm, and by the end was loose.

April 7, 2010

Nothing after school

No bowel movements for the remainder of the day. Smoked two with the waterpipe, ate, showered, shaved, brushed and flossed. Going to bed.

Third movement: formed to watery

This afternoon, I went to the bathroom at school and passed a stool that began as formed and ended up watery. I have no discomfort, however, and am still confident teaching, etc.

Bowel Movement after lunch. One solid.

This afternoon, I passed a stool that was solid and firm. It looked, what I would call, normal and healthy. Wild!

Morning movement: 1 large formed to soft.

This morning, upon rising from bed, I had a large bowel movement that began somewhat formed and ended soft.

Yesterday: fine all day, two bowel movements in the evening.

Yesterday, I took the subway with my family and had no urgency, no nervousness about the closest toilet. No depend! What a lifestyle change! In the evening, I drove around the city picking up art and delivering it to a gallery for an upcoming show. I had to pull over and dash into a wendy's where I passed a large stool that began as formed and ended fairly soft.

April 6, 2010

4 hours sleep, 1 formed bowel movement

I'm a bit tired today because I only slept for 4 hours last night. This morning, after breakfast, I had a moderate-sized formed bowel movement. No urgency since, only a little easily passed gas.

Two toilet checks at school, but no depends

Today I drove to New Jersey to teach, taught until 10, went to the studio and made two prints all without fear of having an accident. Boy is that comfortable. What a lifestyle improvement. Used a waterpipe this evening on accord of my throat and dwindling  buds.  I smoked one bowel and feel that it is as . . Well i dont think i can smoke another. Time to go to sleep! Stuff to do tomorrow!

April 5, 2010

Third bowel movement

So far today, I've had three bowel movements. The first was upon getting up this morning and was quite large. It began as solid and devolved into soft. I  sat on the toilet twice to complete it. The second was before going out to get cat food. It was smaller and soft. The third was at 5:30pm after drinking tea before class. It too started out firm and devolved into a softer texture as in progressed.

April 4, 2010

Today: two bowel soft movements

Today, I had my first bowel movement upon getting out of bed and a second one mid-afternoon. Both were soft. I have had no ugrency or discomfort at all today.

April 3, 2010

Two soft in afternoon/evening

At 3pm and 8:30pm I passed soft stools. This evening, I used a waterpipe to assuage my still-healing throat.

One soft bowel movement upon rising

So far today, I've only had one bowel movement; I passed a large soft stool upon rising. Since then, I've has very little gas and no discomfort.

April 2, 2010

Second bowel movement: 7pm soft

Today, I've only had two bowel movements. This afternoon I visited my parents and did not wish to pass gas around them. When I got home, I thought I had to go to the bathroom, but aftere passing a lot of gas, the feeling passed. At 7pm, right before dinner, the urge to go stuck and I passed a moderately sized, soft stool.

First bowel movement: noon, formed

This morning, I slept in until 8:30 and feel a bit better cold-wise. I played outside with the kids, had breakfast, did work; all while passing occasional gas. At noon, I felt the need to go to the bathroom, sat down and passed a moderately-sized formed stool. I have had no discomfort whatsoever today. Nice!

April 1, 2010

Two loose

Today, I drove around, went to the dmv. I'm feeling very pro bearaucratic these days. In and out of there in less than 15 minutes (including a use of the facikities there- very nicely maintained!) . Passed a medium sized soft stool. I'm positive that I'm having no bleeding at all b/c the color is so light brown/dark tan. (Lighter than blood) and once in the evening. Smoked  despite lingering cold.

Morning movement: small formed

This morning, upon rising, I had a small formed bowel movement.