June 30, 2010

Evening:loose smoked

This evening, i had a loose/ watery  bowel movement. Drove and moved stuff after the kids' bedtime. Smoked late.

June 29, 2010

Morning soft, afternoon soft to loose, evening very loose

Today, upon rising, I had soft bowel movements and sat on the toilet four times before I was comfortable riding to school. This afternoon, I had a loose movement during a class break. This evening, after dinner, I had a very loose/watery bowel movement.

June 28, 2010

Afternoon: soft to loose

This afternoon, I had a bowel movement that began as soft and ended loose.

Morning: soft/ loose.

Well after breakfast this morning, I had a moderate sized bowel movement that was soft to loose.

Afternoon, evening: 2 watery. Smoked

This afternoon and evening, I wore a protective undergarmet because I was driving a truck all over. I only had two bowel movements, and they were both watery. In the evening, I smoked.

June 27, 2010

Morning: Watery

This morning, I woke up with a headache and have been having watery dirreah. Bleah. I have to move a bunch of stuff today and drive a truck for hours.

June 26, 2010

Morning: Loose

This morning, I had a loose bowel movement. I'm flying back across the country today and am a bit trepidatious.

Afternoon: soft

In the afternoon, I had a soft bowel movement.

June 24, 2010

Morning: soft to loose. Evening: soft

Today, I got up very early with the kids again and after two hours had a soft to loose bowel movement. I took a nap, and upon getting up had another. This evening, I had a soft bowel movement.

June 23, 2010

AFternoon: soft

This afternoon I had a large soft bowel movement.

Morning: large soft

This morning, I got up early with the kids again. I had a large, soft bowel movement about two hours after getting up.

June 22, 2010

Morning: Two soft. Evening: One soft

This morning, I got up very early with the kids again. I had one small, soft bowel movement about an hour after getting up. After breakfast, I had a large, soft bowel movement. After dinner I had another large soft bowel movement.

June 20, 2010

Early morning: large formed to soft

This morning, woken very early by jet-lagged kids, I got up and had a large bowel movement. It began formed and became soft as it progressed.

June 19, 2010

Only movement: mid-afterenoon

Today, after getting up very early and hardly any sleep, I traveled all day with the family. The only bowel movement I had was on a plane in the afternoon. It was formed to soft.

Afternoon, evening: formed to soft/loose. Smoked.

In the afternoon, I had a bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft. In the evening, fomed to loose. Smoked.

June 18, 2010

Morning: 2 formed to soft

This morning, I had two bowel movements. One before breakfast was quite large, began as formed and ended soft. Mid-morning, I had another, smaller movement witht the same qualities.

Afternoon, evening: formed to soft

This afternoon and evening I had two bowel movements that were large and began as formed but ended soft. This evening, I found some pot, didnt want to move with it, didn't want to waste any, so i smoked it. I think it was a medically inconsequential amount.

June 17, 2010

Morning: two large formed.

This morning, I had a larege formed bowel movement after breakfast and another mid-morning.

Morning: soft; afternoon, evening: small formed. Smoked

In the morning, I had a large soft bowel movement. In the afternoon and evening, I sat on the toilet twice and passed small formed stools. In the evening, I smoked.

June 15, 2010

Evening: Large formed to loose

This evening, after dinner, I had a large bowel movement that began formed and ended loose.

Morning: Formed to soft

This morning, after breakfast, I passed a large bowel movement that was mostly formed, but got soft at the end.

June 14, 2010

Evening: one small solid. Smoked.

This evening, I passed one small formed stool after dinner. I smoked.

Morning: Formed, soft, loose

This morning, I had three bowel movements. The first was upon rising, it was small and formed. After breakfast, I had a large soft bowel movement. Mid-morning, I had a loose bowel movement.

June 13, 2010

Evening: solid pieces

This evening, I passed a bowel movement that was composed of fairly solid, golf ball sized pieces.

Morning: 1 soft

This morning, I had one soft, small bowel movement.

June 12, 2010

Late Morning: urgent, soft

This morning, before lunch, I drove into the city. On the way there, I pulled over to use a toilet in a park. The bowel movement was soft. This afternoon, I attended a BBQ festival, something that would have been a very uncomfortable situation before. But, I had no worries. Yay! This evening, I smoked.

June 11, 2010

Late Morning: large soft.

This morning, before lunch, I had a bowel movement that was soft. This evening, I tried the rest of the tincure. I don't think it had any effect.

Morning: large formed to soft

This morning, after breakfast, I had a large bowel movement that began as formed and quickly became soft.

June 10, 2010

Afternoon: Small soft movement. Evening: smoked.

This afternoon, before going to pick up at school, I tried to go to the bathroom and passed a small soft stool. This evening, I smoked.

Morning: Large soft.

This morning, upon rising from bed, I had a large soft bowel movement.

June 9, 2010

Afternoon: Soft to loose movement, tincure

This afternoon, I had a soft to loose bowel movement at a park bathroom en route to the scooter shop. This evening, I tried three droppers of the tincure. Nothing much seemed to happen.

Morning: headache, 1 soft

This morning, I got up early with the kids, but had an awful headache. I took one ibiprofen, then napped. When i got up the second time, I had a large soft bowel movement.

June 8, 2010

Loose evening movement. Smoked.

This evening, I had another loose movement, but no discomfort throughout the day in situations that, in the past, would of freaked me out; like going to the playground with no bathroom access. Smoked.

ps my favorite thing to do when i smoke pot? smoke more pot! (Then shower, floss, brush and go to sleep!) Yay!

Rough Morning: loose

This morning, I sat on the toilet three times and passed loose stools. I have a feeling it is from my overindulgence in the delicious granola that my wife made two days ago.

June 7, 2010

Afternoon: 1 formed to soft.

This afternoon, I passed a moderate sized bowel movement that began as formed and ended soft.

Morning: two formed to soft.

This morning, I slept in and upon waking I had two bowel movements, both  easily broken formed falling apart in the water.

June 6, 2010

Evening: 1 more loose. Smoked.

This evening, I had another bowel movement that was loose. Smoked on the roof. Nice night.

Morning: formed to soft; afternoon loose; evening soft to loose

Today, I slept late, had a large bowel movement upon rising that began formed and ended soft. This afternoon, I had a bowel movement that was loose. In the evening, I had a bowel movement that began as soft and ended loose. I've also had copious gas this afternoon and evening.

June 5, 2010

Afternoon: only bowel movement: formed to soft

The only time today that I went to the bathroom was before going on a long bike ride. I decided that I should try to go. I then passed a quite large bowel movement tht began as well formed and became soft by yhe end. I didn't experience any urgency today! However, I've been passing copious gas since dinner


This evening I smoked.

June 4, 2010

Morning: large soft; afternoon two formed

This morning, before breakfast, I had a very large soft to loose bowel movement. In the afternoon, I had a moderate sized formed bowel movement and a small formed bowel movement.

June 3, 2010

Afternoon: one soft, drank milk tea

This afternoon, I had a soft bowel movement. At 4PM I defrosted and drank the remaining two ounces of the milk tea I made two days ago.

Morning: 3 soft to loose

This morning, before breakfast, I sat on the toilet three times and passed stools that began as soft and ended loose. The first stool was quite large and the following two were smaller.

June 2, 2010

Evening: 1 formed

This evening, before dinner, i had one formed bowel movement.

Afternoon: 1 formed

Before heading across town, I went to the bathroom and passed a fairly formed stool.

Morning: 1 formed

This morning, I had one bowel movement after breakfast. It was formed but dissolved a bit after lingering in the water.

June 1, 2010

Evening: Made and Drank Tea

I've been getting tired of all this smoking, so this evening, instead of smoking I made tea. The recipe I used is as follows: 1 g. pot, 1/2 cup milk, 1/2 tablespoon butter; simmer at boiling for 45 min. Remaining in the pot was 1/4 cup of liquid, I strained this and drank 2 ounces and froze the other 2 ounces for the day after tomorrow if this works.

Afternoon: 3 soft to loose

This afternoon, I had copious gas and went to the bathroom three times. Each time was loose to soft and burned a bit. (Likely from hot sauce last night)

Rough Morning: 3 sittings, formed to loose; afternoon: soft

It may be from the spicy (& delicious) mexican food I ate for dinner, but this morning I had more bowel movements than I'm comfortable with. Upon getting out of bed, I had a large bowel movment that began as formed and ended loose. I had two soft bowel movements after breakfast and was almost late getting to school. After lunch, I had another soft bowel movement. All of them have left my rectum burning, so I do suspect it is the hot sauce passing through.