March 31, 2010

Cold symptoms increase, one large watery bowel movement

Today, I didnt have any urgency or discomfort throughout the day. I was passing gas like a normal person- while sitting, driving, walking. This evening, before dinner, I felt an increased need to pass gas and felt like I couldn't without lying down then had to go to the bathroom. At that point, I had a large watery/loose stool. After finishing that, I had a bit of cramping on my lower right side which soon dissipated and I've been comfortable since.

Morning: small firm with mucus

This morning, after getting out of bed, I passed one small, firm stool with a lot of mucus.

Smoked despite cold

Last night, despite feeling like I had a cold (stuffy nose, mild aches, mild headache), I smoked. I immideately got in the shower then into bed. I had a fairly copious amount of gas and sat on the toilet at one point and passed mucus. This morning, I got up and sat on the toilet and passed more gas and a small amount of mucus.

March 30, 2010

Sick with cold, didn't smoke last night, loose this morning

Because I felt like I was coming down with a cold, I decided to just go to bed after getting home at 11 from class last night. I think that was a good choice because I definately have a cold and my throat is quite sore. Hovever, I had two loose bowel movements this morning. Bummer.

March 29, 2010

Two afternoon bowel movements

I had two more bowel movements this afternoon. The first was quite small and made of small, formed pieces. The second was larger and looser.

Another formed to soft in the morning

This morning, a few hours after my first two bowel movements, I had a third. I'm not feeling great in general, like I'm fighting off a cold - stuffed nose, sore throat, tired...

This morning large firm to soft, yesterday two small soft

Yesterday, I had two small, soft and urgent bowel movements. This morning, upon getting out of bed, I had a large, bowel movement that began as formed and became soft by the end.

March 28, 2010

No bowel movement yet today

So far today I've sat on the toilet twice and passed gas with some mucus, but no stool. I feel a bit tired and am not sure if it becuase of lack of sleep, but that is the story I'm sticking with becuase I didn't get into bed until after 11:30 and got up to change diapers twice before being woken up at 6. But, what a difference in gut peacefulness compared to yesterday!

March 27, 2010

smoking = chewing x 4 ?

The quantity of active compounds absorbed orally seems to be far less potent than smoked. Perhaps some of the active compounds are formed when heated. would boiling be hot enough to form them?

Tea, afternoon urgency, looseness

Not sure if the chewing didn't have the same efficacy as smoking or that I drank tea this afternoon, but boy was I uncomfortable for a while. I had to pull over twice to go to the bathroom while driving to the city. But, after that, I've been okay. I think that I'll continue smoking for the next couple of months and not change the regimen until I'm stable, consistently having solid bowel movements.

Morning: Two large firm to soft

This morning, upon getting out of bed, I had a large bowel movement. Then, I took the kids on a long walk to the hardware store. On the way there, I used the kids for cover to duck into a tax-preparation place and had a very large formed to soft bowel movement.

March 26, 2010

Finished chewing. Pleasant side effects

If this delivery method is effective I would much prefer it over smoking. I dont have any of the unpleasant side-effects of smoking; no dry mouth, no smelling like smoke, no paranoia. In fact, I feel quite euphoric, clear-headed, chatty and have a pleasant minty taste in my mouth. It is a bit tingly, and while I was chewing, I was salavating heavily. However, I'm not convinced that this delivers the same dosage of active compounds as equal quantity would when smoked. We'll see tomorrow.

Chewing instead of smoking.

I've gotten pretty tired of smoking, so tonight I sewed up the same amount I normally smoke into a fancy teabag. Hopefully, it isn't a waste of pot. I'm starting to worry about how much I have left. It looks as though I'll have to buy some more fairly soon.

Afternoon: moderately urgent and formed

This afternoon, I had two bowel movements that were a bit urgent and gassy, but the stool was formed into discrete pieces. Gone seem to be the days of discoloring the water in the toilet. I also looked over the old entries in this blog and am quite pleased that I've been keeping it as on a daily basis it is hard to notice the steady progress that keeps happening.

Morning Movements: Large Solid to Soft, Formed

This morning after getting out of bed, I had a large bowel movement. It started out firm, then softened significantly by the end. At 10:30, after having breakfast, I had a second bowel movement, which was formed.

March 25, 2010

Smoked last night. Small this morning. Firm afternoon.

Last night I smoked after having a fairly urgent day. I didn't get enough sleep; maybe 5 hours. This morning, I had a small bowel movement after getting up and nothing but some gas that I was able to pass while sitting and working or walking around. I bicycled to and from school without any worry of an accident. After lunch, I had a large bowel movement that began as quite solid and ended fairly loose.

March 24, 2010

Large loose afternoon

This afternoon, I had a large soft/loose bowel movement.

Two-sitter this morning

This morning, I was up to change a diaper at 6 am and sat on the toilet to pass some gas. I went back to bed to try to get as much sleep as possible. At 8:30, after being up since 7, I had a large bowel movement that began as firm and ended soft and loose.

March 22, 2010

Second bowel movement: 5pm a bit of urgency

Walking around Ikea, I was struck with a mild sense of urgency. Not wanting to take any chances, I walked over to the bathrooms passing gas as I went. I had a fairly small fairly solid bowel movement.

Morning movement: solid to soft

This morning, upon rising, I had a large bowel movement that began as solid and became soft/loose as it went on. I'm now sitting again seemingly finishing.

Haven't been eating well. Still weigh 166.

Ifeel like I haven't been getting enough to eat, ad yet my weight is still more than 19 lbs above what I was two months ago. Today, I had a large, loose, spicy bowel movement upon waking and a small, elongated rabbit shaped pile before going in the car with the family. Nothing doing since. Smoked 1 joint this evening.

March 20, 2010


This afternoon, I had another solid bowel movement! This one was a larger diameter than the last and drier. This morning I did have a large loose bowel movement. That's it. Haven't sat on the toilet except for once before leaving the house, but nothing happened..

Large loose bowel movement after kids' bedtime nothing since

After putting the kids to bed, I had a large very soft to loose bowel movement.  Smoked 1  at 10:30ish. Nothing happening since.

March 19, 2010

Not enough sleep, too much poop

This morning, after sleeping five hours, I got up at 4:30 to do work. I had a fairly firm bowel movement upon getting out of bed. After breakfast, I had a large soft/loose bowel movement that involved sitting down three times before feeling complete.

March 18, 2010

Passed gas four times, solid bowel movement!

This morning, after my first bowel movement, I sat on the toilet three times because of copious wet gas. I tried once later in the afternoon and passed gas. Now, I just had my first solid, firm, formed bowel movement! It is fairly skinny, but it is one long piece!

One formed bowel movement before breakfast

Upon getting up this morning, I had a bowel movement that was fairly large and with some form. My gut has been comfortable since then.

Smoked, gut feels better

Today, I was feeling mushy. I felt urgent enough that I should go pas gas on the toilet; I smoked and my gut gurgled and nothing has been bothering me since.

March 17, 2010

Not such a good day

Today, I had some loose bowel movements in the morning and have been feeling a bit urgent. However, this is nothing compared to a how urgent I was all the time a few weeks ago.

Two loose bowel movements this morning

At 6am I got up to change a diaper then sat down on the toilet and passed a large loose stool. Before breakfast, I had another loose stool.

March 16, 2010

A couple of quick toilet visits

Nothing much doing bowel-wise today after this morning. I stopped by the toilet to pass gas and mucus once during classes and have been feeling okay.

Not enough sleep, 3 bowel movements so far today

Last night, I didn't get home until 11 and didn't get to sleep until 1:30-2am. This morning, I had two bowel movements before bicycling Tamar to school. The first was fairly formed, the second loose. After getting home, I had a second meal and had another bowel movement that was fairly formed an hour and a half after eating. I realize that I haven't taken probiotics/suppliments since yesterday morning.

Was weighing 164 over the weekend (friday?)

I also think I may have lost weight because of a few missed/crappy meals/pizza. I havent  weighed myself in a few days but i noticed my pants arent as tight.

Smoked. Nothing since

This evening, I smoked 1 tsp. and nothing bowel-wise since. I was also recalling how on days when I taught in Paramus I would often have to stop to go to the bathroom on the way there; sometimes having accidents. And, during the long classes there, having to run out multiple times. Since the big bowel movement this morning, I've sat on the toilet maybe three times and passed gas with a bit of mucus.

March 15, 2010

One large bowel movement this morning

Today, I got up and spent 20 minutes on the toilet and passed a large stool that began as formed and got softer as it progressed. My finger is less sensitive today. Since this morning, I've sat on the  toilet twice, both times not much happened.

March 14, 2010

3 bathroom visits for gas.. that's it today

Today, I sat on the toilet three times to fart out little bits of mucus, but haven't had a bowel movement until this evening. This evening, I had a fairky firm medium-sized bowel movement. My finger is almost done peeling.

Smoked, no bowel movement since.

This evening, I smoked 3/4 tsp.  I haven't had a bowel movement since. My  finger is continuing to peel and is quite tender and sharp feeling.

March 13, 2010

Finger fully peeled, few bowel movements.

I think i had a fairly formed bowel movement this morning and nothing since. The left index finger is almost fully peeled, but the edges of the peel area still hurt.

March 12, 2010

Finger still peeling, one small urgent bowel movement

This morning, I had to pull over and squat behind a dumpster and passed a small, loose stool. There was no blood. My finger is peeling quite a bit now.

Peeling finger photo

Heres what my finger looks like now that it has begun peeling.

Peeling finger photo

Here's what my finger looks like

Bad afternoon, smoked, fine since

Probably because of the espresso, I had multiple loose bowel movements.  But, I didn't have much urgency in the early afternoon. After I stopped at a very well maintained park bathroom in brooklyn near the navy yard (medical center?) On washington and the BQE. This summer I want to photograph under the BQE.

March 11, 2010

Too tired. Drank expresso. Another bowel movement

In order to keep focued on work this morning, I drank an expresso. Now, I'm sitting on the toilet and having a fairly formed bowel movement.

Two bowel movements before breakfast, finger stiff beginning to peel

This morning I had two bowel movements. The first was large and fairly loose. The second was smaller and just as loose. However, both were fairly light in color and there was absolutely no trace of blood. I think that the bleeding stopped a week or two ago, but being red/green colorblind it is hard for me to tell..

The skin on my left index finger is extremly stiff and is beginning to split on the last knuckle.

Last night Caleb was awakebecause of  teething and i got only around 5 hours of sleep again.

March 10, 2010

5 hours sleep, 2 loose bowel movements

This morning, I had a parent-teacher conference. I had a fairly loose bowel movement before breakfast. I ate breakfast before going to the conference (which is something that would have caused much distress a few weeks ago)  and had no discomfort or urgency there. After returning home (through heavy traffic) I had a bowel movement that was less loose than the first. The skin on my my left index finger is becoming increasingly stiff, hot, swollen  and uncomfortable.

164lbs Fairly urgent formed bowel movements in afternoon

My finger is still swollen, although after a hot shower, it isn't bothering me so much. I weighed in at 164 which is still a good 15-6lbs over what I was five weeks ago... Wild. I smoked 1 tsp this night and haven't had any bowel distress.. also of note- i feel like my muscles are growing and the mole on my face is not as raised and lighter than in the past...

March 9, 2010

A bit gassy, formed, urgent

So far today, I've had two bowel movements. The first, upon getting out of bed, was fairly formed and a bit urgent. The second bowel movement was firmer, but still a bit urgent. My left index finger is quite uncomfortable, but not peeling yet.

End of a gassy day

I'm lying on one side passing yet more gas. It is interesting how much drier and easier it is when I pass gas now.

March 8, 2010

Still fairly formed and urgent

Throughout the day I've been having a fair amount of urgency with fairly formed stools. My finger continues to be uncomfortable and swollen. I've been eating many things that I probably shouldn't, like ice cream, but if I'm ok now... wow...

Large bowel movement before breakfast. Finger more sensitive

This morning, I had a large somewhat formed bowel movement upon getting up from bed. My left index finger is becomingly increasingly sensitive and swollen... I wonder if it will peel badly...

Left Index Finger Feeling Flairy

This evening, my left index finger began to feel like  it has become in the process of peeling.. smoked 1tsp this evening

March 7, 2010

Gas, accident, formed

Today, after going to the playground with the family, we were walking home and I started passing copious gas. I felt urgency, but ignored it until it was pressing. I ran ahead and ducked into chicken shack and had a bowel movement that was fairly large and formed. Too bad I didn't completely make it. Even though I'm feeling a lot better, I obviously have to take it easy and listen to my body...

Almost accident, but formed

This morning, I went to the bathroom once and had a farily solid bowel movement. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom a second time, but the kids were ready to go to out, so I left without having a second  bowel movement. However, walking to the bagel store, I passed gas numerous times and felt like I was going to have an accident. At the bagel store, I hustled the kids into the bathroom and barely made it to the toilet before passing a large, fairly formed stool. It was a bit spicy coming out on account of the Indian food I ate yesterday. But I've felt good since

March 6, 2010

No bowel movement since morning.

This morning I had a fairly loose bowel movement, but nothing since. I only sat on the toilet 3 or 4 times to pass some gas today... so I celebrated by having a beer with dinner

March 5, 2010

10pm no bowel movement, sitting and farting

So far today, I've only had urgency from gas and mucus. I've sat down on the toilet twice today to pass mucus, once at 3pm and once at 10:15pm.

No bowel movement yet today

I smoked 3/4 tsp last night and have not had a bowel movement since. I sat on the toilet and passed gas and a small amount of mucus once so far today.

March 4, 2010

Second bowel movement of the day at 9:30 pm

After the fairly formed bowel movement this morning before breakfast I had some feelings of urgency and passed some mucusy gas on the toilet a few times. My second bowel movement came after driving for two hours and is not so formed...

March 3, 2010

Fairly urgent gas, two bowel movements today

Since my bowel movement this morning, I've been on the toilet a couple of times just to pass gas and a bit of mucus. However, i didnt have another bowel movement until now. It was fairly formed, certainly less loose than this morning.

Large, loose, light this morning

After getting up this morning, I had a large bowel movement. It began as farily formed, then became progressively looser. It was light colored, which reminds me that I haven't been bleeding in  while. Another thing that I've forgotten about is how many times I used to wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. It is amazing to think that I haven't been woken once by the urge to have a bowel movement!

March 2, 2010

Running to the toilet after coffee

I guess I shouldn't have drank that coffee, because now I'm feeling quite urgent. I've sat on the toilet three times and had loose bowel movements. Bummer. Part of my mind was thinking as I walked across campus to get coffee, "Don't drink coffee. It will mess up the gut." Well, it did.

2pm no bowel movement yet

I smoked 1 teaspoon last night. Today, I've sat down on the toilet three times and passed gas with some mucus, but nothing else. I'm feeling a bit nervous and a somewhat giddy. I'm going to have a coffee before back-to-back classes.

March 1, 2010

Thai last night. 168lbs and firm today

Two things that before starting smoking I thought would never happen: Eating Thai food and not having a miserable next day and gaining weight. I've had a few small farily firm bowel movements today and a decreasing amount of gas. Nice!